Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Story of Pete's Arrival

My appointment with the midwife had gone well on Friday. She had checked my cervix and said I was dilated 2-3 centimeters and 80-90% effaced. I mentioned that I'd been having some uncomfortable contractions that week, and she said it would be interesting to see what happened over the weekend. I knew other people who had been dilated that much for weeks, but I was struck by her comment that I may go into labor soon. I had always had a hunch that I would go early, and I was one day away from being 38 weeks pregnant.

My "to do" list was getting shorter, and the only thing we had to get done was the car seat installation. I was determined that Saturday would be a productive day. And it was. We drove to the Matthews Police Department where someone installed our car seat, ate some cheap, delicious Asian food at New Zealand Cafe, went to Danny's hair cut appointment, and bought groceries. I suggested we go out to dinner that night because what if. We should get at least one more date night in, just in case he came early.

I'd been having contractions all day, but they weren't much different than the Braxton Hicks I'd had before, just a tightening of my belly. The difference was that they were happening often, and a greater number of them felt uncomfortable, bordering on painful. I kept mentioning it to Danny, because I was becoming convinced that my body was gearing up for labor, although I had no idea how soon that might be. It could be another week, I thought. After all I'd never done this before, and I didn't want to be too quick to think I was in labor.

We went to Bad Daddy's for burgers that night, and I've never been more uncomfortable during a meal. I had what felt like one long painful menstrual cramp throughout dinner, and although I finished my burger, I can't say that I enjoyed it. Danny urged me to go to the hospital to get it checked out, but I refused. We'd been through a natural childbirth class, and I was not going in until my contractions were 1 minute long and 5 minutes apart for 1 hour. If I really was in labor, I wanted to be at home as long as I could.

As we pulled into the garage, I felt a big pop (I'm guessing around 9:30pm). I gasped and told Danny what I felt. Something I hadn't felt before, that is for sure. And before I could even make it to our front door, my water broke. All I could do was laugh! It was happening! Danny asked what was funny, and when he saw for himself, the look on his face was priceless!

He went into "must go to the hospital immediately" mode, but I was sticking to the 5-1-1 rule, and I also wanted to come home from the hospital to a clean house. There is nothing like labor to get your husband to do whatever you ask and to do it quickly! He very sweetly finished packing our bag, put things in the storage closet, cleaned the bathroom, and tidied the house while I also cleaned in between contractions. I used the stop watch on my iPhone to time them, but to my surprise they were already 3 1/2 minutes apart. Danny kept pressing me to leave, but the contractions were only 30 seconds long, and it hadn't been an hour yet.

After the hour had passed, I calmly called my midwife around 10:30pm and she, surprised that I hadn't left yet, suggested I do so in the next few minutes.

By the time we got into the car, things were getting more intense. Rather than patiently waiting for Danny to finish sending a text, I yelled at him to start the car and take me NOW! I could tell our baby was dropping, and I was dreading the 10 minute ride to the hospital because I preferred to stand for my contractions.

At the check-in desk (around 11:00pm), they were coming faster. No I did not want a wheelchair, and please hold on while I have another contraction. We stopped several times along the walk to the maternity ward so I could groan through the pain.

I had brought my birth plan checklist, but I wasn't married to it. What did I know about having a baby? My checklist was more like "I don't think I want an epidural" and "It would maybe be great if I wasn't hooked up to an IV". But the only thing I really wanted or prayed for was to experience the Lord's presence and peace and be mentally present and without fear for the birth of our son. I knew I wasn't in control of how things would happen. I had desires, but wanted to hold them loosely.

When we got to the delivery room, I complained about getting on the bed to be checked. You could say sitting down did not feel good. The nurse said I was at least 5 centimeters dilated, but she couldn't really say because the baby's head was so low. I was well aware of the latter! I got out of bed as quickly as they would let me and continued to labor standing up.

Danny had turned on some of my favorite worship music, and I'm so thankful for that. It enabled me to remember that the Lord was there, this experience was good, and it was a blessing. Because of Him, I never once felt anxious or afraid during labor.

The contractions felt like ton of bricks. I was hot and sweaty, unsure if I would keep my burger down (I did), and also unsure if I wanted my husband to touch me or not. For some contractions, yes - for others, no. But for all of them I stood, either leaning on him or the hospital tray for support. At one point he called me delusional, because I was attempting to smile through the pain. As weird as it sounds, I think it helped. As the contractions came closer and closer together, I always felt a slight urge to push.

And then, I felt a very strong urge to push. I have to push now, I said. So they got me into bed to check me again, and the midwife concurred.

Both nurses grabbed a leg, Danny held my hand, and they told me to push. I didn't push right at first. Apparently you're not supposed to let your breath out. They were yelling at me to tell me this, but I was a little bit distracted. Maybe because I was in so much pain! Finally I heard Danny's voice and began to push properly. They told me I could reach my hand down and feel the baby's head. No thank you, I said. But after more encouragement, I felt it. I would've never known it was a head if they hadn't told me, and I was also pretty depressed that it hadn't even begun to come out! That meant worse pain lie ahead. But I gritted my teeth and pushed more, so anxious for it to be over.

It felt great to hear them say that his head was out, and I only had to give half pushes. At that point, those half pushes felt easier than anything I'd ever done before.

The pushing had lasted for about 10 minutes (I'm guessing). Hallelujah! And all of a sudden, my son was being laid on my chest at 12:48am on May 11th, Mother's Day. What a sweet surprise.

I hadn't been hooked up to an IV or received any drugs, but in some way I almost felt like I had. It's strange to be in the middle of such intense labor and have it end so abruptly. I just couldn't believe he was here. What a night! I'll be honest that I didn't feel a surge of joy, just mostly relief that the pain was over and an amazement that this was my son!

It didn't take long for my Peter Hall and me to bond or for me to think his swollen, bruised face was the cutest I'd ever seen.  Yes...I was a mother now.


Almost four weeks later, the memories of the pain are sure enough beginning to fade, and I'm starting to think that maybe I could have another child someday. :) I'm starting to get back to normal, and Pete and I are getting into a routine. 

I am so very grateful for my birth experience.

Thanks for letting me share my story!

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